widget by : Willy-Masaubat

Kamis, 20 September 2012

Novel Terjemahan dalam Bahasa Indonesia

Di bawah ini adalah kumpulan Novel Asing dari beberapa penulis dunia yang telah diterjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia.
[Agatha Christie]   [Sidney Sheldon]   [Dan Brown]   [Stephenie Meyer]   [Sherlock Holmes]
[J. K. Rowling]   [Mario Puzo]
Novel Karya Agatha Christie

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1. Anjing Kematian (The Hound of Death) - Agatha Christie

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1. Gerbang Nasib (Fostern Of Fate) 1973 - Agatha Christie
2. Hotel Majestic (Peril at End House) (1932) - Agatha Christie
3. Iklan Pembunuhan (A Murder is Announced) (1950) - Agatha Christie
4. Kasus-Kasus Perdana Poirot (Poirot's Early Cases) (1974) - Agatha Christie
5. Kasus-Kasus Terakhir Miss Marple (Miss Marple's Final Cases Two Other Stories) (1979) - Agatha Christie
6. Kenangan Kematian (Sparkling Cianyde) (1945) - Agatha Christie
7. Kereta 04.50 dari Paddington (04.50 From Paddington) (1957) - Agatha Christie
8. Kucing di Tengah Burung Dara (Cat Among The Pigeons) (1959) - Agatha Christie
9. Ledakan Dendam (Death Comes At The End) (1944) - Agatha Christie
10. Masalah Di Teluk Pollensa (Problem At Pollensa Bay And Other Stories) (1991) - Agatha Christie
11. Mata Rantai yang Hilang (Ordeal by Innocence) (1958) - Agatha Christie
12. Maut Di Udara (Death In The Clouds) (1935) - Agatha Christie
13. Membunuh Itu Gampang (Murder is Easy) (1939) - Agatha Christie
14. Mereka Datang ke Bagdad (They Came to Baghdad) (1951) - Agatha Christie
15. Misteri Karibia (A Carabbean Mystery) (1964) - Agatha Christie
16. Misteri Tujuh Lonceng (The Seven Dials Mystery) (1929) - Agatha Christie
17. Mr. Quin Yang Misterius (The Mysterious Mr. Quin) (1930) - Agatha Christie
18. Mrs. McGinty Sudah Mati (Mrs. McGintys Dead) (1952) - Agatha Christie
19. Parker Pyne Menyelidiki (Parker Pyne Investigates)  (1934) - Agatha Christie
20. Pasangan Detektif (Partners In Crime) (1929) - Agatha Christie
21. Pembunuhan ABC (The ABC Murders) (1936) - Agatha Christie
22. Pembunuhan Di Pondokan Mahasiswa (Hickory Dickory Dock) (1955) - Agatha Christie
23. Pembunuhan Di Teluk Pixy (Evil Under The Sun) (1941) - Agatha Christie
24. Pembunuhan Terpendam (Sleeping Murder) (1976) - Agatha Christie
25. Penumpang Ke Frankfurt (Passenger To Frankfurt) (1970) - Agatha Christie
26. Pesta Hallowe'en (Hallowe'en Party) (1969) - Agatha Christie
27. Pria Bersetelan Coklat (The Man In The Brown Suit) (1924) - Agatha Christie
28. Rahasia Chymneys (The Secret of Chymneys) - Agatha Christie
29. Skandal Perjamuan Natal (The Adventure Of Christmas Pudding) (1960) - Agatha Christie
30. Tugas-tugas Hercules (The Labours of Hercules) (1947) - Agatha Christie

Novel Karya Sidney Sheldon
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1. Bulir Bulir Pasir Waktu (The Sand of Time) - Sidney Sheldon
2. Garis Darah (Blood Line) - Sidney Sheldon
3. Kilau Bintang Menerangi Bumi (The Star Shin Down) - Sidney Sheldon
4. Kincir Angin Para Dewa-Dewi - Sidney Sheldon
5. Malaikat Keadilan (Rage of Angels) - Sidney Sheldon
6. Rencana Paling Sempurna (The Best Laid Plans) - Sidney Sheldon

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1. Apakah Kau Takut Gelap (Are You Afraid of The Dark) - Sidney Sheldon
2. Ceritakan Mimpi-mimpimu (Tell Me Your Dreams) - Sidney Sheldon
3. Konspirasi Hari Kiamat (The Doomsday Conspiracy) - Sidney Sheldon
4. Langit Runtuh (Sky is Falling) - Sidney Sheldon
5. Padang Bayang Kelabu (Memories of Mid Night) - Sidney Sheldon
6. Pagi, Siang & Malam (Morning, Noon, and Night) - Sidney Sheldon
7. Sosok Dalam Cermin - Sidney Sheldon
8. Tiada Yang Abadi (Nothing Last Forever) - Sidney Sheldon
9. Wajah Sang Pembunuh (Naked Face) - Sidney Sheldon

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